Thursday, July 21, 2011

Team Awesome!

What a day of ups and downs! Today is what we have been preparing for- our activity day with the kids! We had 8 teams set up so that the kids classes could rotate through games-bible story's- songs- crafts and health info. Each team member came together to make this awesome morning run so smooth! I put up pic from the different things we did with the kids.

We spent the morning with the kids and then after lunch we went to out onto community's around the school to invite people to the soccer tournament on sat and give out shoes.

Our team has worked really hard to sell 1,000 pairs of shoes to give to kids over here that don't have any and today was finally the day they had been waiting for! It would be the day that change the way they look at things, a day that will ever be with them in there hearts. When we go into the community's it's back in the bush and is how people really live over here. You see the huts on tv and think you know what is all about but when you come and walk down the dirt roads the Kenya people walk everyday it's hard to really truly understand what life is like. Today our team took that walk together- it was the highlight of so many people giving shoes and hope out to so many kids but we soon ran out of shoes. Having to tell the kids we didn't have any more was really hard and broke many hearts. We know God has a plan- and being right there with them seeing how little they have breaks your heart!

Please take a min to pray for the team-as they are processing through all that they experienced today and for tomorrow as we go to Bomani to work with the kids there and then go out and do shoes there as well. God is doing awesome work through this Kenya team!


  1. Praying for each of you by name that God would continue to supply you with every single thing you need at the moment you need it.

  2. supa fly guys hope you all have a great rest of the trip
